Build to Rent (BTR) Community Management is a Special Niche.

2 min read, By May Galan, SVP Association Management

BTR’s are communities of single-family homes or townhouses specifically built to rent. These newly built communities are filling a demand for a highly desirable alternative to homeownership. More and more young professionals, retirees and families of all sizes are renting in lieu of buying.  These communities offer the best of both worlds, the ease of renting and the perks of community living without living in an apartment or condominium building.

Professionally managed communities offer renters perks that they may not get when renting single family homes from private landlords. Beautifully maintained neighborhoods, high-end amenities, and home maintenance are some of the perks that you get renting in a BTR community. This new alternative to owning gives renter the ease of mind from not worrying about home maintenance and unexpected repairs. Freedom from typical costs of homeownership and a sense of community and lifestyle that otherwise could not be afforded is the main reason BTR communities are so attractive.

Professional management of these communities and the lifestyle that is promised is crucial for the success of the BTR communities. Many BTR builders and investors may perceive that these communities require less management and often try to self-manage these communities to increase their potential profit, however, we caution them that residents expect and want management that is customer focused. Rather than building new communities, managing investments and enjoying the success of their newly built communities, they are involved in solving the day-to-day challenges of running these communities. Partnering with a management company that specializes in the BTR niche can mean the difference between a failed community and bad press or a successful community that rarely has vacancies.

Ensuring a BTR community’s success is critical and investors need a management company that can work with them to create and deliver value. Whether its full or partial services Investors Association Management can deliver the ROI that investors are looking for and the lifestyle experience that renters desire. We offer developers and investors tailored services based on their needs. With customer service as our top priority investors can rest assured that the community they have just built and invested millions of dollars in is being managed by a professional company that is working with them and for them.


Does your community have emergency operations plan in place?


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